Course curriculum

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    Q&A Recordings (some of these are from Open Office Hours)

    • OOH Live Session- February 10th

    • OOH Live Session - February 24th

    • Integumentary Final Q&A

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    Week 1

    • Course Syllabus

    • Week 1, Lecture #1: Introduction

    • Week 1, Lecture #2: A & P of the skin, part 1

    • Week 1, Lecture #3: A & P of the skin, part 2

    • Week 1, Lecture #4: Herbal Applications

    • Week 1, Lecture #5: Wound Healing

    • Week 1, Lecture #6: Wound Healing (2)

    • Week 1, Lecture #7: Infection Management

    • Week 1, Lecture #8: Inflammation, Angiogenesis and Healing

    • Week 1, Lecture #9: Therapeutic Goals of Wound Healing, Acute vs. Chronic Wounds

    • Week 1, Lecture #10: Wound complications, Scarring

    • Week 1, Lecture #11: Wound Case Study - Venous Ulcers

    • Week 1, Lecture #12: Materia Medica

    • Short video of several common skin diseases (no sound)

    • Week 1 All Slides

    • Week 1 - Study Guide # 1

    • Week 1 - Study Guide # 2

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    Week 2

    • Week 2, Lecture #1: Burns

    • Week 2, Lecture #2: Burns (part 2)

    • Week 2, Lecture #3: Burns (part 3)

    • Week 2, Lecture #4: Burns (part 4)

    • Week 2, Lecture #5 : Burns (part 5)

    • Week 2, Lecture #6: Bacterial Infections of the Skin

    • Week 2, Lecture #6: Infections of Skin & Nails

    • Week 2, Lecture #7: Infections of Skin and Nails (part 2)

    • Week 2, Lecture #8: Viral and Fungal Skin Infections

    • Week 2, Lecture #9: HSV Protocols

    • Week 2, Lecture #10: Herpes Family Protocols (part 2)

    • Week 2, Lecture #11: Roseola, Warts

    • Week 2, Lecture #12: Viral and Fungal skin infections

    • Week 2, Lecture #13: Fungal skin infections

    • Slides for Week 2 (part 1)

    • Slides for Week 2 (part 2)

    • Week 2 Study Guide #1

    • Week 2 Study Guide #2

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    Week 3

    • Handout (By Dr. Kyla Helm, MD) - Reducing Inflammation

    • Week 3 Slides, Lecture 1 - 7

    • Week 3 Slides, Lectures 8 - 11

    • Week 3 Lecture 1 - Review of Immune System (part 1)

    • Week 3 Lecture 2 - Review of Immune System (part2)

    • Week 3, Lecture 3 - Eczema

    • Week 3, Lecture 4 - SLE, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Scleroderma

    • Week 3, Lecture 5 - Psoriasis

    • Week 3, Lecture 6 - Rosacea

    • Week 3, Lecture 7 - Materia Medica

    • Week 3 Lecture 8 - Materia Medica 2

    • Week 3 Lecture 9 - Materia Medica 3

    • Week 3 Lecture 10 - Materia Medica 4

    • Week 3 Lecture 11 - Materia Medica 5

    • Week 2 Lecture 12 - Materia Medica 6

    • Week 3 Study Guide #1

    • Week 3 Study Guide #2

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    Week 4

    • Week 4 Lecture #1: Skin, Aging and Scarring

    • Week 4, Lecture #2: Terms and Definitions

    • Week 4 Lecture #3: Moisture, Elasticity, UV Radiation

    • Week 4, Lecture #4: UV Radiation and Oxidation

    • Week 4, Lecture #5: Skin Inflammation

    • Week 4, Lecture #6: Acne and Scarring

    • Week 4, Lecture #7: Scarring and Oils

    • Week 4, Lecture #8: Questions, Ashwagandha

    • Week 4, Lecture #9: Acne and PIH

    • Week 4, Lecture #10: Protocols for Scarring

    • Week 4, Lecture #11: Review Part 1

    • Week 4 Lecture #12: review part 2

    • Week 4 Study Guide # 1

    • Week 4 Study Guide # 2

    • Slides - Week 4 Lectures

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    Final Exam

    • Final Exam - This must be passed with a score of 70% or greater, the first time it is taken