Course curriculum
Week 1
Week 1 - Study Guide #1
Slides - Week 1 Lectures 1 - 10
Slides - Week 1 Lectures 11 - 17
Video - Week 1, Lecture #1: Course Overview
Video - Week 1, Lecture #2: Purpose and Structure of the Alimentary Canal
Video - Week 1, Lecture #3: Peristalsis, Innervation & Receptors of the Digestive Tract
Video - Week 1, Lecture #4: Physiology of Swallowing and Digestion
Video - Week 1, Lecture #5: Gastric Stimulation Phases, Movement of Chyme
Video Week 1, Lecture #6: The Small Intestine
Video Week 1, Lecture #7: Small Intestine Cell Types
Video Week 1, Lecture #8: The Liver
Video Week 1, Lecture #9: Pancreas and Blood Sugar
Video Week 1, Lecture #10: Herbal Terminology Review
Week 1 - Study Guide #2
Video Week 1, Lecture #11: A & P of the Large Intestine
Video Week 1, Lecture #11: A & P of the Large Intestine
Video Week 1, Lecture #12: Commensal Bacteria of the Large Intestine
Video Week 1, Lecture #13: IgA
Video Week 1, Lecture #14: Review of Gut Mucosa
Video Week 1, Lecture #15: Introduction to Leaky Gut
Video Week 1, Lecture #16: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Video Week 1, Lecture #17: Hypothetical Protocol Example
Week 2
Slides - Week 2 Lectures 1 Through 7
Slides Week 2 Lectures 8 through 19
Week 2, Lecture #1: Clinical Intake Skills
Week 2, Lecture #2: Abdominal Exam and Regions
Week 2, Lecture #3: Differential Assessment of the Abdomen
Week 2, Lecture #4: Differential Assessment (2)
Week 2, Lecture #5: Differential Assessment (3)
Week 2, Lecture #6: Diarrhea & Pathogens
Week 2 Lecture #7: Bacterial Gastroenteritis
Week 2, Lecture #8: Bacterial Gastroenteritis - Detail
Week 2, Lecture #9: Bacterial Gastrotenteritis - Shigellosis
Week 2, Lecture #10: Clostridium dificile
Week 2, Lecture #11: Viral Gastroenteritis
Week 2, Lecture #12: Diarrheal Disease Statistics
Week 2, Lecture #13: Parasites - Overview
Week 2, Lecture #14: Protozoans
Week 2 Lecture #15: Helminths
Week 2, Lecture #16: Activated Charcoal
Week 2, Lecture #17: Astringent Herbs
Week 2, Lecture #18: Anti-Secretory & Anti-Parasitic Herbs
Week 2, Lecture #19: Herb Chart
Week 2 - Study Guide #1
Week 2 - Study Guide #2
Week 3
Slides - Lectures #1 - 5
Slides, Lecture #6-8
Week 3 Lecture #1: Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Week 3, Lecture #2: Herbs and Protocols for Diverticulitis
Week 3, Lecture #3: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Week 3, Lecture #4: Elimination Diet
Week 3, Lecture #5: IBS Herbal Protocols
Week 3, Lecture #6: Ulcerative Colitis
Week 3, Lecture #7: Crohn's Disease
Week 3, Lecture #8: Herbal Protocols for UC and Crohn's Disease
Study Guide Week 3 - #1
Study Guide Week 3 - #2
Week 4
Slides for Lectures 1 - 6
Slides for Lectures 7 - 10
Resource - Week 4 - Mechanisms of Hepatoxicity
Week 4 - Study Guide
Week 4, Lecture #1 - Physiology of the Liver
Week 4, Lecture #2 - Liver Physiology (1)
Week 4, Lecture #3 - Liver Physiology (2)
Week 4, Lecture #4 - Cholesterol
Week 4, Lecture #5 - Assessment of Liver Diseases
Week 4, Lecture #6 - Herbs for the Liver (1)
Week 4, Lecture #7 - Review of Liver Detoxification
Week 4, Lecture #8 - Herbs for the Liver (2)
Week 4, lecture #9 - Candidiaisis
Week 4, Lecture #10 - Review
Week 4, Lecture #11 - Leaky Gut
Slides - Leaky Gut Lecture
Final Exam
Final Exam